Friday, March 27, 2020

Role of Catalyst in Chemistry

Role of Catalyst in ChemistryCatalyst is the element that reacts with the carbon atom of the element. Catalyst will be an essential ingredient in any chemical reaction and if it is present in a certain percentage in the chemical formula then it will convert the chemicals and the elements present in the reaction to simpler ones. Catalyst can also be called as the primary agent that aids in the conversion of various elements to simpler ones.This catalytic process can be in any aspect of chemistry as it can cause transformation of different elements to simpler ones and the reactions of this catalytic process will occur very easily. The reaction of the catalyst in the chemistry will not take place instantaneously but can take place on a certain time span depending upon the mass of the catalyst and the mass of the other chemicals that are present in the reaction.When the catalyst is used in a chemical reaction then there will be no need to remove the catalyst from the reaction because the catalytic process will take place without any issues. There are few materials like Fe, Co, Mn, Ni, Si, Cu, Ag, Cd, Cr, K, Fe, Mn, and Al in the periodic table that are catalysts and the process will start with the presence of these compounds. If you are a student and wish to take the examination in chemical reaction then you should have to give a special attention towards this topic.As the catalyst is used in the chemical reaction then it will undergo some changes and those changes will be the catalytic process. There are certain materials that are required for a proper catalytic process and these include the nickel, the iron, the cobalt, the cadmium, the mercury, the iodine, the sulfur, the chromium, the titanium, the titanium oxide, and the copper. If the catalyst is used in a certain quantity in the chemical formula then it will allow the reactions to occur and all these are the metals that are used in the catalyst.All these metals are termed as catalytic material and they have the capability of taking part in the catalytic process and this will result in the occurrence of the chemical reaction. It is the role of the catalyst to convert the elements into simpler ones and the material is active only when it will enter the chemical equation.The use of the catalyst in the chemical reaction will increase the speed of the reaction and this speed can be increased by the fact that it allows the reaction to occur and complete itself in a better manner. When the catalyst is used in the chemical reaction then it will enable the reaction to occur with better efficiency. The fact that the catalyst is used in the chemical reaction will facilitate the conversion of chemical elements into simpler ones and also the reaction will take place in a faster way.The catalyst is a definite and necessary component in the reaction and it should be taken into consideration when you want to perform the chemical reactions. The catalyst can be divided into two different groups and the first group includes the electrochemical substances and the second group include the semi-conductor. Each group has its own significance and role in the chemical reactions.

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