Friday, March 6, 2020

Skype English TV Comparatives and Superlatives

Skype English TV Comparatives and Superlatives Hello! This is our first video recording of our Skype English Classes. In this video you will see Frank using comparatives in English. He is comparing his daughter to his son. Watch the video below, then read the notes to learn more about comparatives and superlatives in English. In English we use comparatives by adding an ER at the end of an adjective or adding the word MORE in front of the adjective. How do you know when to add ER or when to use MORE? Easy, for short adjectives (fat, thin, tall, rich, smart) we add ER. For long adjectives (intelligent, extroverted, beautiful, stupid) we put MORE in front of the adjective.We use than as our connecting word.Some common comparative mistakes:using BOTH more and er: Frank says, “My daughter is more taller than my son.” Incorrect. Correct, “My daughter is taller than my son.”using that instead of than. “My daughter is 3 years older that my son.” Incorrect. Correct, “My daughter is 3 years older than my son.using THE with co mparatives. Frank says, “The Peru is better than Chile.” Incorrect. Peru is better than Chile. We don’t use The with formal nouns unless it is part of the name: The United States, The Dominican Republic, The European Union.using the superlative rather than the comparative, “Peru has the best food than Chile.” Incorrect. “Peru has better food than Chile. Remember we use the comparaitives with ER or MORE when we are comparing 2 things, people, or places. We use the superlative when we are comparing 3-999,999,999,999 things, people, or places.If you have any more questions or would like to take a class on comparatives and superlatives please contact us.

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